The inverse covariance matrix, also called precision matrix, is useful in many places across the field of statistics. For instance, in machine learning, it is used for Bayesian regression and mixture modelling.

What’s interesting is that any batch model which uses a precision matrix can be turned into an online model. That is, provided the precision matrix can be estimated in a streaming fashion. For instance, scikit-learn’s elliptic envelope method could have an online variant with a partial_fit method.

Thankfully, there is a way to (efficiently) estimate a precision matrix online, through the use of the Sherman-Morrison formula. Markus Thill provides details here with some accompanying R code.

Of course, one could just estimate the covariance matrix online, and invert the matrix at each step. But that would be too expensive, due to the fact matrix inversion takes $\mathcal{O}(n^3)$ time. The Sherman-Morrison formula runs in $\mathcal{O}(n^2)$ time. The downside is that the result is not exact, although the error margin is small enough for machine learning purposes – at least in my experience.

Here is some Python code for estimating the precision matrix, online, using the Sherman-Morrison formula:

import numpy as np
import scipy as sp

def sherman_morrison(A, u, v):
    Au = A @ u
    vT = v.T
    alpha = -1 / (1 + vT @ Au)
        y=vT @ A,
        a=A, overwrite_a=1

n = 100
p = 3
rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=42)
X = rng.normal(size=(n, p))

w = 0
mean = np.zeros(p)
M = np.asfortranarray(np.eye(p))

for x in X:
    w += 1
    diff = x - mean
    mean += diff / w
    sherman_morrison(A=M, u=diff, v=x - mean)

inv_cov = len(X) * M
array([[ 1.22900496, -0.04588473, -0.01030462],
       [-0.04588473,  1.08510258, -0.20780225],
       [-0.01030462, -0.20780225,  1.22256802]])

As you can compare, this is somewhat close to the basic batch implementation:

array([[ 1.23187713, -0.04647389, -0.01035858],
       [-0.04647389,  1.08650005, -0.21055135],
       [-0.01035858, -0.21055135,  1.22576677]])

The inplace sherman_morrison function is a bit cryptic. This is because it’s using the DGER routine, which is nicely exposed by SciPy. This requires the input to be in F(ortran) order – don’t ask me why – which explains the call to np.asfortranarray.

I didn’t invent this trick, I got it from Tim Vieira’s excellent article about optimizing the Sherman-Morrison formula for NumPy.

The Sherman-Morrison formula is great, but processing $n$ samples with $p$ features still requires a non-negligible $\mathcal{O}(np^2)$ amount of computing time. That may be prohibitive, depending on the use case. This is emphasized in a mini-batch scenario – think scikit-learn’s partial_fit – where hardware acceleration can be used to process a batch of data faster than one sample at a time.

As it just so happens, the Sherman-Morrison formula is a special case of the Woodbury matrix identity. Here it is, implemented in NumPy:

def woodbury_identity(A, U, V):
    I = np.eye(len(V))
    AU = A @ U
    A -= AU @ np.linalg.inv(I + V @ AU) @ V @ A

w = 0
mean = np.zeros(p)
M = np.asfortranarray(np.eye(p))

for Xb in np.split(X, 4):
    diff = Xb - mean
    mean = (
        (w * mean + len(Xb) * Xb.mean(axis=0)) /
        (w + len(Xb))
    w += len(Xb)
    woodbury_identity(A=M, U=diff.T, V=Xb - mean)

inv_cov = len(X) * M
array([[ 1.22900496, -0.04588473, -0.01030462],
       [-0.04588473,  1.08510258, -0.20780225],
       [-0.01030462, -0.20780225,  1.22256802]])

The results are identical to the single-instance version. Here I’ve split the X matrix into 4 batches of 25 rows. This results in having only to make 4 calls to woodbury_identity, instead of 100 calls to sherman_morrison. Of course, this doesn’t necessarily mean the former method is faster. Especially considering the Woodbury matrix identity still requires performing one matrix inversion. The latter applies to the V @ AU matrix, which is of shape (k, k), with k being the length of each mini-batch.

Of course, why try to guess when we can measure. We can easily measure how much faster/slower the mini-batch method is compared to the streaming method for different values of k (number of samples) and p (number of features).

Benchmark code
def streaming(X):
    p = X.shape[1]
    w = 0
    mean = np.zeros(p)
    M = np.asfortranarray(np.eye(p))

    for x in X:
        w += 1
        diff = x - mean
        mean += diff / w
        sherman_morrison(A=M, u=diff, v=x - mean)

def mini_batch(X):
    p = X.shape[1]
    w = 0
    mean = np.zeros(p)
    M = np.asfortranarray(np.eye(p))

    diff = X - mean
    mean = (w * mean + len(X) * X.mean(axis=0)) / (w + len(X))
    w += len(X)
    woodbury_matrix(A=M, U=diff.T, V=X - mean)

def workload():
    rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=42)
    K = [2 ** k for k in range(13)]
    P = np.ceil(np.logspace(0.3, 3, 10)).astype(int)
    for k in K:
        for p in P:
            X = rng.normal(size=(k, p))
            yield X

def run():
    for X in workload():
        k, p = X.shape
        t_streaming = %timeit -o -q streaming(X)
        t_mini_batch = %timeit -o -q mini_batch(X)
        yield k, p, t_streaming.average / t_mini_batch.average

results = [
    {'k': k, 'p': p, 'speed_up': speed_up}
    for k, p, speed_up in run()

pd.DataFrame(results).to_csv('results.csv', index=False)
Visualization code
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10))

df = (
    .pivot('n', 'p', 'speed_up')

        'fontsize': 16,
        'fontweight': 'bold'
ax.set_ylabel('batch size', labelpad=10)
ax.set_xlabel('number of features', labelpad=20)

plt.savefig('speed-up.svg', bbox_inches='tight')
Speed-up summary. A red value means the mini-batch version is faster, whereas a green value means the streaming version is preferable.

The interpretation of this benchmark is a bit disappointing, albeit interesting. The mini-batch variant is faster for batches of length around 100. In practice, it might be possible to devise some heuristic based on (k, p) to select the fastest method, but that seems to me a bit far-fetched. There’s no free lunch!


The fastest solution in Tim Vieira’s article uses the DGER operator to speed things up. This is a level 2 linear algebra operation, because it performs matrix-vector operations. The Woodbury matrix identity necessitates matrix-matrix operations, and is thus a level 3 operation. From what I could tell, the DGEMM operator is appropriate. I managed to make this work, as so:

def woodbury_matrix(A, U, V):
    I = np.eye(len(V))
    AU = A @ U
    return sp.linalg.blas.dgemm(
        a=AU @ np.linalg.inv(I + V @ AU),
        b=V @ A,
        beta=1, c=A

w = 0
mean = np.zeros(p)
M = np.asfortranarray(np.eye(p))

for Xb in np.split(X, 4):
    w += len(Xb)
    diff = Xb - mean
    mean = (w * mean + len(Xb) * Xb.mean(axis=0)) / (w + len(Xb))
    M = woodbury_matrix(A=M, U=diff.T, V=Xb - mean)

inv_cov = len(X) * M

Alas, this didn’t result in a significant speed-up for me, which is why I’m leaving it the appendix. I believe this is because most of the computation happens in np.linalg.inv(I + V @ AU), which occurs before calling the DGEMM routine.

I would also like to echo Tim Vieira’s suggestion that using the Cholesky factorisation is a better way for estimating a covariance matrix, as well as a precision matrix. This saves some computation by leveraging the fact both matrices are symmetric. The Cholesky factorisation should also result in more stable and accurate results. I haven’t yet come around to trying this out, but if I do I’ll start by checking out Tim Vieira’s code here.

We’ve recently added an online precision matrix to River. It implements the Sherman-Morrison formula, as well as the Woodbury matrix identity. This precision matrix is likely going to become the building block for higher-level algorithms. We’re thus always on the lookout for faster solutions. Please feel welcome sharing any insight you way have 👐